Pest Control Wasps
Australian paper wasps build their unsightly paper honeycomb nests under eaves, gutters and anywhere there’s some form of protection from the weather. They are relatively harmless but they will sting. Sometimes there’s no warning, and no reason for the sting, but the buggers just do it anyway.
Australian paper wasps are similar to the European wasp in looks and easily mistaken. The European wasp is classed as a pest. European wasps build a large round football shaped nest (very different to our native wasps) which can house thousands of wasps and larvae. If disturbed they will swarm and may attack, resulting in many painful stings and in some cases death. European wasps pose a serious environmental and agricultural risk. If you think you’ve found European wasps, they should be reported to the Department of Agriculture or identified by a Pest Management Specialist.
We treat paper wasps and remove their nests.